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Want to have your own business, start with using your spare time ...

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If You think in order to start a new business You have to quit your full time job, it's wrong. However, if quitting your full time job means that your new business has to be able to pay your bills. I don't think it can be work, that isn't always feasible. It is very possible to start a new business and keep your job that you doing now. Starting a business in you spare time is possible, if you have to be determined to make it work.

After you decide you want to start a new business, the first thing you should do is look at your time schedule. Make sure you are looking again at your schedule realistically. If you don't have any spare time, you must be patient, you don't need to start quikly. I think starting a new business is easy. Making it successful takes time and hard work. The last thing you want to do is burn yourself out. You need to determine how much time a week you can devote to your business. During this time you need to be completely focused on your new business. If you have distractions, then you aren't going to be as productive. Since you are starting a new business while working full time, it is imperative that you get as much done as you can in a short amount of time.

After you have determined that your schedule realistically to devote to starting a new business, it's time to make your business legal. You can do this online yourself by asking to your friend that have experience on that or visiting your state's website. Once your business is legal, make sure you are organized, and then it's time to work. However, since you are working with a limited amount of time per week, you may consider hiring an accountant to handle all of your finances. But id you want to make online business, i think you don't need it. You can buy you software assistant than will help your work and will free up a lot of your time so you can get other things completed.

You must use all automatic system or software that you need and you can buy .. so you will be easy for the tasks you need to complete for your clients or customers. Also allot time that you can spend on advertising and obtaining new clients, it very easy job, u just pay to advertise online company to do that. Starting a business takes time, but you will eventually start to get busier and busier. As you get busier consider cutting back your hours at your full time job until you can eventually afford to quit it all together. Remember, while starting a business in your spare time is very possible, especially internet business, sticking to your schedule is what will make your business grow. As long as you plan your business properly, you will quickly achieve success!

Still not sure your spare time is money, try join with MoreNiche.com

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I want introduce you with is a new program that I just ran across after a friend of mine sent me an email about it. Just joint with MoreNiche.com and it’s a new way you can make money online. Their site is actually pretty cool and I was fairly entertained with setting up my free account and going through all the sign up process.


In their web site, you can either sign up to become an affiliate or sign up to become a merchant. If you’re just interested in making money online, you’re going to sign up as an affiliate. If you’re interested to having a lot of people promote your products who want to earn your commission, you should sign up to become a merchant. Follow on this link to sign up for MoreNiche.com.

Why must sign up as Affiliate Program?

MoreNiche is an affiliate network company, which allows you to earn large commisions for promoting highly desirable their products and services online. They will pay you for every conversion (sale, lead, phone call) you make. MoreNiche will provides you with everything you need including marketing tools, free websites and one on one support. Amazingly, this program rewards you with $45 just for getting started and they also will pay you $20 dollars after you successfully refer 5 of your friends into their program. And you will got 5% on all others sales they will refer to MoreNiche, for life. How cool is that?


Aside from signing up all your friends, you can actually make money with programs that are being offered for you to promote and or sell on your web/blog. MoreNiche.com seems to be fairly new, so if you’re looking for a program just as it first started, you can try MoreNiche program.

From a screen shot of a product in the MoreNiche affiliate program that is paying out up to $300 dollars for the sale. Imagine if you get one of these sales per day… how about just one week?

I interest with MoreNiche.com and it is a program I am definitely going to investigate further. I signed up in this morning and I would like to extend the invitation you to join as well. Right out of the gate, you’re will make a lot of money just by telling your friends about it.

Sign Up Today! And telling your friend...

Don't wait, you need to sign up today, so you can invite your friends to be your reffer. You know how blogging and internet works, news gets around pretty fast. However, this is still new, that if you sign up and write a post about it on your blog, I'm sure your friend will be interested to joining this program. So.. let's to join, you could make $20 bucks today just for telling 5 friends.

Join MoreNiche.com Today

Build your own business website

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Do you need a web site? What kind? How big? What do you want to do with it? These are some of the questions you should consider and research before even setting a web site up. We'll give you a few tips here to help you make a choice.

What's Is a Domain Name and How Important it?

Domain name is your address on internet and can be used only once. They are usually made up of words or letters so they are easier to remember and can be more relevant with contain of you website. Extensions are the codes at the end of a domain name, usually on after last dot. The extensions signify which country the domain name belongs to, i.e., .uk belongs to United kingdom and .us belongs to the United States.

Choose the right domain name may be important to you if you need recognition for a product, service, event or your own name. In this case, you may want a web site name with a .us extension, because you may more likely find just the name you're looking for .com and .net still have some names available, but many of them have been used up after the .com boom of the late 1990's.

A domain names also important to you if you want a domain name that relates to something you know is being searched for on the Internet and if you want to be found when people are searching that word or that name. Some of the larger search engines like Google or Yahoo still give a higher ranking faster to a web site that has the keyword being searched for in the web site or domain name address. If a this is important to you, it might be a good idea to find out what is being searched for on the Internet that relates to the domain name than you want to create.

Easy keyword tools that can help you do this, can be found at http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com. Just put a word that related to the domain name you have in mind into the search box window. They will search to you all the related terms that were searched for last month on the Internet, and tell you how many times they were searched for that keyword. These tools can also identify related keywords that you can use for your web site title and on your website pages. It will help you achieve higher rankings in the Internet search engines for those keywords.

Thinking How You Want To Use Your Web Site...

What would you do with your web site? Marketing? Show and tell? news? Build an mailing list? Have fun? There are so many options that you want to make, that it could be confused to a newbie. Start with a little research on the Internet before setting a web site up is a very good idea. It will help you become familiar with all the different web site options and features. so you will have a better choice before you get started.

Something you need to consider before setting up your web site:

Q: What do you want the web site to accomplish?
A: Show and tell? News? Business? Make money? maillist? Social network?

Q: Do you need static or dinamic website?
A: Some web sites limit the number of space, static website will need litle space.

Q: How much should you pay per month?
A: This can vary from usually $3.95 to $100 or more, depending on available features.

Q: What is disk space?
A: How much space is available for your web site 1G, 20M, maybe unlimited etc.

Q: What is bandwidth?
A: How many times and how many people can access your site during a period.

Q: What is down time?
A: How reliable is the server that your web site is on?

Q: What is security and do you need it?
A: Yes. Protection from hackers. Secure service available for your customers.

Does Space and bandwidth Really Matter?

As you can see, there are many things to consider before setting up a web site, but making the right choices up front can save you much time, effort and headache in the long run. If you set up a web site on a server that only have 100 Mega of space, and you find you need more down the road, you would need to move your web site and domain name to a new server, which have good performance . It may be easier for you to make a better choice up front if you have all the options available to you ahead of time. A suggestion would be to type into google search box "top 10 hosting" or "best hosting" to get more information to help you make the right hosting server before setting up your web site.

Bottom line, investigate your options and be prepared. Space and bandwith really does matter ..

Tools required for the internet business

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An important part of developing a successful Internet business is setting up your office space. Whether you operate your business from an office building or out of your home, having your own "space" is an essential part of your success.
Your office space should be used exclusively for your business and be set up to best suit your needs.

Below, are some suggestions to assist you in setting up your office:

Desk and Chair
When selecting a desk for your office, make sure you get a desk that is specifically designed for a computer. Computer desks provide plenty of room for your monitor, a cabinet for your computer case, a shelf for your printer, and a slide out shelf for your keyboard.
When selecting a chair for your desk, keep in mind, you'll be sitting in this chair for many hours. Make sure it is very comfortable and that you try it out before you buy it.
Take your time and select a desk and chair that you'll be very comfortable with. If you don't, you may find that you're straining yourself in one form or another (back, neck, arms, etc.), which will result in poor work performance.

Computer Equipment
If you haven't purchased a computer, make sure you purchase one that will grow with you. If you don't, you'll find that you'll either have to upgrade your system or purchase another one a few years down the road.
In addition, make sure you purchase your computer from a reputable company that will provide you with quality customer support.

When selecting a printer, you will basically have two options -- laser or ink jet. You should select a printer depending on your needs. If you'll be doing a large amount of printing and speed and high quality are important, your best option will be a laser printer. Laser printers produce better quality black text than most ink jet printers, and are much faster. However, an ink jet will enable you to print in color, which is a big advantage.
Another important consideration is the printer's resolution. The resolution determines the print quality, and refers to the number of dots per inch on a page -- the higher, the better. Most printers today support a 600 x 600 dpi resolution that will produce a good quality for most print jobs. Keep in mind, although a printer may support as high as a 1200 x 1200 dpi (dots per inch), you most likely won't notice any quality difference, when compared with a 600 x 600 dpi, with most print jobs.

A scanner will enable you to scan photographs and documents into your computer. For example, if you'd like to place a photograph of yourself or your products on your website, a scanner will make it possible. Fax Machine
With today's advanced technology, you can use your computer to send and receive faxes. All you'll need is a telephone line, fax modem and software.

Digital Camera
A digital camera will enable you to take pictures of your products, or whatever you'd like, and transfer them into your computer. They provide a great way to create your own images for your website or product development.Telephone
A business line will enable your customers to contact you. Even if you're using your telephone line to connect to the Internet, most phone services now offer voice mail. Voice mail will enable your callers to leave a message while you're connected to the Internet. There are also software programs and devices that will enable you to take calls while you're connected to the Internet.
Filing Cabinet
A filing cabinet will enable you to organize your paperwork such as your receipts, tax information, and business records.

In addition to the basic office equipment, you'll also need to stock up on some supplies:

• Pens
• Pencils
• Pencil Holder
• Pencil Sharpener
• Address/Phone Book
• Business Cards
• Note Pads
• Envelopes
• Printer Paper
• Ink Cartridges
• Log Books Files
• Excedrin Migraine, Motrin IB, Advil, Tylenol or whatever your favorite headache medicine may be. You're going to need it:)

Take your time and set up your office according to your budget. Start out with the essentials such as a computer and an Internet connection. You can add additional equipment and supplies as you go.

Setting up your office space is an essential part of your success. Not only will it designate a specific area as your business space, but it will also provide you with some added motivation to work towards accomplishing your dreams.

Let's start Internet business

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Developing a successful Internet business is the ultimate goal of the Internet entrepreneur. However, statistics show that most Internet businesses never make any real money.

Making money on the Internet isn't easy, it takes a great deal of time and effort and requires a total commitment. You must be completely passionate about your business and have a sincere desire to succeed. Anything less will be a complete waste of your time and will most likely result in failure.

You must also realize that success isn't going to happen overnight. There will be many obstacles along the way and a great deal to be learned. However, anything worth having is worth working towards and won't come easy. There will be long days and sleepless nights. However, if everything falls into place, and you plan each step very carefully, the end will justify the means.

The largest obstacle you will ever encounter is fear (fear of the unknow, fear of change, fear of failing...). Fear is the root of failure and prevents dreamers from living their true passion. They fail to try.

Above all else, you must take the first step to overcome your fears. With each step you take, you will become a little closer to achieving your dreams. As long as you keep trying, you'll never fail.

There are many common characteristics shared by successful Internet entrepreneurs. Below are some of the most important:

Set Your Goals
Set your goals and write them down on a piece of paper. Set short-term reachable goals and long-term higher goals. However, don't set them too high, as this will cause you to become discouraged if you don't achieve them. Work consistently towards accomplishing your goals each day, each week and each month until you reach your short-term goals. When you have attained your short-term goals, set them a little higher each time. Ultimately you will achieve your long-term goals.

Get up early each day just as if you were working outside your home. You have to take your business very seriously and be completely self-disciplined.

Set up a daily schedule and stick to it. Your own personal drive will have a great impact on your success. You must have the ability to work independently and stay on task.

Positive Attitude
Your attitude is one of the most important factors that will determine your success. Your attitude will either guarantee your success or guarantee your failure. If you have a positive attitude and believe in yourself above all else, you will succeed.

Organizational Skills
Create a list of all the things you want to accomplish during the day. This will give you an organized approach to each day.

Attention to Detail What
ever you're doing, do it to the best of your ability. Pay close attention to detail. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, as you're only human. However, if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right.

Developing your own Internet business is one of the most difficult, yet rewarding experiences of a lifetime. It is a continuous learning experience and will be filled with many valuable lessons you will carry with you for the rest of your life -- some good, some bad, but lessons still the same.
Although there aren't any shortcuts to achieving your dreams, there is something you can do to speed up the process -- Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Follow in the footsteps of successful Internet entrepreneurs who are already successful. Not only will you save yourself a lot of time and money, but you'll also have a road map to success.